Wednesday 13 April 2011

How the Tablet Makers Should Thank Their Users Now

The tablet is growing to be the next big thing in the world of communication devices, and while many are buying the tablet on mere face value, there is still the market that believes in cheap communication, where the tablets are not so popular. While the tablet is extremely useful and has a number of applications and services that make life easier for the user, not many are comfortable with the amount of money that they would need to pay each month for using these applications, or being online. Here are three ways how the tablet manufacturers can thank buyers right now.

Offer Free GPRS:

The best thing about the tablet is that it offers a never before chance to browse the Internet on a mobile platform. With a large screen, better keyboards and support to newer features, the Tablet may be the best mobile internet device right now. However, for the casual mobile internet user, the price of the GPRS connection per month might be a bit expensive.

Therefore, tablet users should look at offering free GPRS services for a few weeks or months, before the users can get hooked up to the idea of mobile internet on their Tablet.

Offer Free Apps:

While most tablet making companies offer many apps, not all of them are useful and even worthy of making a list of apps. If the tablet makers would offer some of the more popular apps for free for a while, the popularity of apps and that particular app would certainly rise, and add to the already burgeoning market of tablets and palmtops. Apart from apps, the tablet makers can even put in some free games that would be worthy of play - that will definitely get the younger generation interested in tablets.

Lower the Prices:

The price of a tablet is high, but not exorbitant. However, for a new gadget in the market, the price is not something that anyone would pay for, so the tablet makers should work towards lowering the prices of the gadget, and make it all the more viable for the people who intend to buy them. With the lowered prices, there will be a lot of buzz in the market, and it will herald an opportunity for the lesser budget tablets to make an entry into the market.

These are the three ways in which the tablet makers can thank their users right now.

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