Friday 15 April 2011

Android Security - Tips for Keeping Your Android Based Devices Secure

Android based devices are the only devices that are holding their ground and gaining new adopters against Apple's seeming onslaught in the phone and tablet marketplace. People love the Apple iPhone and iPad for the beautiful design and ease of use and rightfully so. Users that prefer Android devices over Apple devices are often more independent types who like to tinker and prefer the openness of Android to the more tightly controlled and regulated Apple devices. If you are a fan of Android based devices and are considering purchasing one or already own one you now might be asking yourself how do I make sure it is secure?

When implementing security for Android based devices many of the general techniques that work for securing any type of mobile device is relevant and can be configured within Android.

Some of the general security risks you should be concerned about include:

Securing your Android device from unauthorized use. This is best done by setting a screen lock to prevent friends, casual snoopers, or thieves from accessing your device without permission. I have seen many a friend pranked at the bar by leaving an unprotected device alone while going out for a smoke so to avoid having an embarrassing new Facebook status posted it is important to lock your device when it is not in use.Avoid prying eyes that know your location. Location based features on Android devices have many useful features and applications associated with them but if you desire privacy more then functionality it is important to turn these options off to prevent people from knowing more details about your location then you would want.Consider security when browsing the Internet. Internet browsing and email are the two most common methods that devices become infected with malware. It is important to configure your Android security settings to enable secure Internet browsing to prevent unwanted pop-ups and other nasty infections that could compromise the security of your device.Carefully consider which applications are worth installing and lean towards applications from vendors with a proven track record. It is important to remember that any one insecurely coded application that you install could compromise the security of your entire Android device.Promptly update your applications when new versions are available and consider implementing the auto-update feature to lower your chances of forgetting. Un-patched applications are a major source of insecurity and a frequent target of malware authors.

This is just an introduction to some of the information security risks you are exposed to by using an Android based device (and many of these risks also apply to any smart phone type device). It is important to be aware of the risks and take proper action to keep your device secure and in good operating condition.

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