Wednesday 30 March 2011

Apple Notebooks Vs Other Laptop Brands

Apple is renowned worldwide for its line of innovative technologies when it comes to enhancing user multimedia experience. Their laptops and notebooks make a big difference compared to those from other manufacturers. Over the years, Apple has gained a lot of fame and "disciples", since there are countless people who have purchased notebooks from this brand and actually got to swear by it.

Apple notebooks are fast, reliable and in the affordable range of machines. They incorporate some of the latest technology into them and their customer support is second to none. People used to regular PC laptops often think that Apple laptops won't be able to run applications that they think are designed for traditional PCs. This is false, since the latest additions in their line of products incorporate some of the best processors Intel has to offer, for instance. The Mac OS operating system is fast, very intuitive and virtually virus free. If compatibility with software designed specifically for the PC was an issue in the past, then you'll be happy to know that those issues are indeed a thing of the past.

Compared to other laptop brands, Apple notebooks perform exceedingly well in almost any area they might be used. Apple laptops have the fastest boot times, some of the longest battery life in the laptop industry and top of the line graphics performance.

These notebooks are recognized as being the best for graphic design. The way users work with the Apple laptop has been classified as being "intuitive". Due to its design and functionality, switching from a regular PC laptop to an Apple might seem odd at first, but like all things that need to be learned, you'll get the hang of it.

One thing which annoys the users might be the non-replaceable battery Apple notebooks carry. To replace it, you have to take your laptop to one of their shops. Upgradeability is not a big selling point of Apple laptops. You pay the price, you get the laptop, and that's pretty much it. With regular PC laptops, you get the option to upgrade them whenever you wish, sometimes without the need of specialized help or without paying extra for parts installment. Don't take this the wrong way, Apple laptops are great, and the new line with Intel quad core processors just rips through any application you throw at it. They are also designed to last years before they need a fix or a small upgrade.

They might not be the cheapest laptops you can find, but they are fast and reliable. These notebooks are bundled with all sorts of applications right from the start, so you don't have to spend on extra licenses or types of software. They allow you to interact with digital media in a whole new way, right out of the box. You can use them to do anything that comes to mind. They aren't built to address any certain need specifically, like regular PC laptops are, but they are designed to outperform any competition and work extremely well under all sorts of conditions.

With regular PC laptops you get to choose the price you want to pay. You pay a little, you get a little in terms of performance. For under 1000$, you might get something to use as an everyday laptop, for movie watching, surfing the web, chatting with friends and even playing some games. With an Apple notebook, everyone gets the same thing: a laptop capable of gaming, graphic design, heavy application load, huge battery life and some of the coolest designs out there.

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